When it comes to Michael Jackson...you've heard it all. NOW...it's time you heard the TRUTH
"I never saw Michael with the effects of doing any kinds of drug or alcohol or anything like that, and I saw him all different times of the day. Early in the morning, late at night, all during the day. He was always totally normal. Totally there."
David Nordahl, renowned painter and friend of Michael's for 20 years
The Truth Is All Here...Click here to add text.
CThe Truth About The Allegations
Includes lots of information on the accusations and the trials, including videos by Michael's attorney, Tom Mesereau

To Paterson, Jackson was the catalyst of his success, not the Wacko Jacko, off-the-deep-end image concocted by the tabloids.
“I lived with Michael through all of those years with the press,” Paterson said. “I would sit in the trailer and he would cry. He would say ‘I don’t understand why they want to tear me apart.’”
Vincent Paterson
Choreographer who worked on Smooth Criminal with Michael Jackson
.…there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said “this is what I have to deal with.”
Rob Hoffman
A sound engineer that worked with Michael
"You can see it in their eyes. You're being judged. People are looking through you -- not even at you, but through you. They're thinking about all that crap. It's so far from the truth. That hurts."
Michael Jackson
Video courtesy of Joshua Longhurst, 12 years old
So much has been said about Michael Jackson...about his life, his behavior (very twisted by the press), about his supposed addictions and about the way he died.
More fallacies were stated during the preliminary trial of Michael's attending physician at the time, Dr. Conrad Murray. However, testimony from those on the scene, painted a picture of truth.
It's time to set the record straight...
The Autopsy Reveals Truth
Would is surprise you to know that Michael's body was NOT riddled with needle marks, that the only drugs found in his system were the meds given to him by Dr. Murray (who has admitted to administering them to him, along with the propofol and the resuscitative drugs), and that, verified by the autopsy report, that Michael did INDEED suffer from Vitiligo and did NOT bleach his skin?
Would it surprise you to know that Michael, indeed, had been telling us the truth all along?
Below is the official autopsy report. WARNING: It is very graphic and detailed and very difficult to read.
I am only providing it here because it's a very important factor in the truth. It shows the truth about Michael's death and about the sensationalized drug use.
Report: What Is In The Autopsy, and What Isn't....COMING SOON!
Important Interviews & Links
Court Transcripts & Documents
A child psychologist with over 20 years of experience, confirms why Michael Jackson was NOT a pedophile: READ HERE
“Michael had a never-ending ability to surprise you with his honesty and his unique approach to life.”
Dr. Patrick Treacy, who befriended Michael while he lived in Ireland
Fact Vs. Fiction...Stop The Lies
Read Here about the faith that sustained Michael
Want a clear picture of who Michael Jackson really was?
LISTEN IN to this interview with acclaimed painter David Nordahl, Michael's portrait artist and close friend for over 20 years. He spent a lot of time with Michael and his children, including taking family vacations with them
This Interview Will Open Your Eyes!
Dr. Treacy befriended Michael when he lived in Ireland and shares here about the amazing person, and humanitarian, that Michael was
Driving Michael
Ray O'Hara, Michael's exclusive driver while living in Ireland, speaks about the kind of person of person, and father, Michael was
Listen In...COMING SOON!
Additional Links for Truth
"I've never met anybody who was more well-adjusted or more normal. He was just such a normal guy. So intellectual and so bright and so normal.
He was an absolutely fabulous father. I've never met a parent that is as good or better than Michael. Those kids were an absolute delight! I've never met kids in my life that were like those kids. I spent a lot of extended time around them. I never heard them cry, I never heard them beg for anything, never saw or heard them throw a fit..."
David Nordahl, a friend of Michael's for 20 years
"He was just so genuine and so warm and so caring. All the time I knew Michael, almost 20 years, I never heard him raise his voice at anybody. Never happened. He was just such a good person. Just a really deep-down good person."
David Nordahl
Michael with children for Heal the World in Sarajevo
"...Like the old Indian proverb says, do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his mocassins."
MJ, 1994 Open letter to his critics.
In Loving Memory of Michael Joseph Jackson
Yellow Shirt: 2005 Black jacket 1996
What you didn't know: This photo has been PHOTOSHOPPED!
Verified by a friend who attended this event with him that evening
Below is what Michael REALLY looked like:
The lighter skin in the second photo being due to a skin condition/disease Michael suffered from which is called Vitiligo, a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation of patches of skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes. The incidence worldwide is less than 1%.
THIS is what you've heard:
You've been told that Michael Jackson...
*was a pedophile
*had hundreds of plastic surgeries
*was a drug addict who took thousands of pills a week, caused his own death & whose body was riddled with needle marks
HERE, instead, is the TRUTH:
"I'd like to set the record straight right now. I have never had my cheeks altered or my eyes altered. I have not had my lips thinned, nor have I had dermabrasion or a skin peel. All of these charges are ridiculous. If they were true, I would say so, but they aren't. I have had my nose altered twice and I recently added a cleft to my chin, but that is it. Period. I don't care what anyone else says, it's my face and I know."
Michael Jackson in his book "Moonwalk"
They keep saying "why does he keep changing it (my face)"? It's not true! I'm telling you the honest truth."
Michael Jackson speaking to Martin Bashir in the "Living with Michael Jackson" documentary
Michael Was Telling The Truth: He did have surgery on ONLY 2 Parts of his face...His Nose & Chin
From one of Michael's close friends:
"Michael did only have 2 altering plastic surgery procedures on his face (nose and chin cleft), which he tried to relay in the trashy docu (Martin Bashir documentary).
This is a subject he always felt was private and did not feel comfortable discussing and was unable to express himself well on. He certainly had many corrective procedures to his nose after the surgery and throughout the years, which changed his appearance.
Filing, Tattoos, botox, scalp treatment for his burns, grafting or lifts are not surgeries, they are cosmetic treatments; standard practice. Anyone who has a nose job knows that it has to be filed and filtered, that's a part of the rhinoplasty over the years.
As he told us, he did not have work done on his lips, eyes, cheek bones or anywhere else. You must also not forget his severe Lupus and Vitiligo, which needed constant treatment and was the root of many of the corrective procedures, eating away the base of his nose. It is so quick and easy to judge Michael by his appearances, that have certainly been altered in printed media."
The stories of plastic surgery were blown WAY out of proportion
ext."Not only am I presumed to be innocent, I AM innocent, and I know that the truth will be my salvation. I have been strengthened to prove my innocence by my faith in God and the knowledge that I am not fighting this battle alone."
Michael Jackson, 1994 NAACP Awards
“Michael was deeply Christian and believed that private acts of charity were considered virtuous only if not done for others to admire,” stated Treacy. “We should be reminded of Matthew 6:1 when Jesus says "Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness in front of others, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”
Dr. Patrick Treacy, befriended Michael while he lived in Ireland
The Truth?
Michael Jackson cared deeply about children and only wanted to help them. He visited children's hospitals and orphanages wherever he went, gave millions to children's charities, sent his organization, Heal the World around the world to find a liver for a dying child (just one example of many) and invited sick and under-priviledges children to his own home at Neverland for them to be able to enjoy a day of fun away from all of their cares and medical treatments, all free of charge.
The 2 molestation cases that came against him? Extortion attempts, pure & simple.
"Michael would get between 50 and 60 extortion attempts per year. Most of them were paternity. Women claiming that Michael was the father of their child, and a whole bunch of other ones were over music...All of those things got thrown out of court because once they got to court, they couldn't back it up."
David Nordahl, a friend of Michael's for 20 years
"Michael spent a third of a billion dollars on helping children, paying for surgeries, building hospital wings, orphanages, a burn center and on and on and on. The good things he did he would never talk about them. You'd always have to hear it from people who were around him because Michael always thought if you did a charitable act and then you talked about it or bragged about it or something, all of the good you're trying to do, that it negated all of that. So he never would talk about those things....
"I asked him, 'Michael, how can you do that? How can you spend the time with these children who are dying and then go from that, on stage and give that kind of performance?' He said, 'How could I not? If these children want to see me. I know I'm not important, but Michael Jackson the superstar is, and if I can make a child live an extra minute or an hour or a day or a month, then wouldn't that be worth it?'
Michael was always that way. If he would get a call from somebody and a child was dying, he would get on a plane and go and he would tell them, 'I'm going to be back in 2 weeks to see you,' and a lot of times he extended little kids' lives that way. It gave them something to look forward to down the line. You have to admire something like that."
Michael's long-time friend of 20 years, David Nordahl

Continue reading for in-depth information & truth
Michael was acquitted (found "NOT GUILTY") on all 14 charges brought against him. 10 felonies and 4 lesser-included misdemeanors.
"I never expected Michael Jackson to be convicted on any count, felony or misdemeanor. I believed, and still do, that he was completely innocent of these false charges."
Attorney Tom Mesereau
It "It was a dreadful experience. It was painful, it was horrifying, he couldn’t believe that he was listening to some of the statements that were made. He couldn’t believe anybody would accuse him of harming children. He couldn’t believe that they would ever accuse him of masterminding a conspiracy to falsely imprison a family, to abduct children, to extort. These are things that Michael was not capable of even imagining and to formally charge him with this and then to call witnesses who clearly were not telling the truth, to try and build a case against him, was frightening and very disheartening for him. "
Attorney Tom Mesereau speaking about Michael having to go through a 5 month child molestation trial that was clearly an extortion attempt and had no validity behind any of the claims
Michael thought of everything, including the safety of all of the kids who visited Neverland
"The children that came to the ranch...all the rides and everything there was wheelchair accessible. Everything was modified. All the rides were modified too. He had extra cages built so arms couldn't flop out or hair couldn't flop out and get caught in something. He was concerned about the safety. Hte guys that ran the rides...they went to Kansas City every 6 months and took special training to be able to extracate physically challenged children. All those bases were covered and even up in the theatre, there were 2 rooms and there were glass walls that had hospital beds set up so that critically ill children could sit in the hospital bed and watch the movie. He thought of everything."
David Nordahl, long-time friend of Michael Jackson's
Video by UncleDooDooLover on YouTube